Publicity, but
with results.

In the ever-shifting media landscape, one thing remains constant: It’s all about telling a good story. And with our network including thousands of journalists, pundits, and other thought leaders, we bring incisive and compelling messages to the right audiences. And it’s worked, time and time again, for media figures, non-profits, advocacy organizations, businesses and companies, and New York Times bestselling authors.

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people reached with earned media
0 B
PR Clients in 21 industries
countries where we have obtained coverage
national journalists in our network

our approach

We’re continually rededicating ourselves to our craft of storytelling. Constantly reading. Forging new relationships. Refining pitches and editing the words we use for our clients’ messages. Always improving. It also means we take bold approaches with our PR clients. Instead of having them react to news, we help them create it. Rather than making them spend a fortune on marketing and ad budgets, we discover innovative ways to generate free media coverage.


We develop proven communications strategies and messaging plans that make the news cycle work for you. When that isn't enough, we help you make your own news.

Television &
Radio Booking

From Sunday TV shows to cable news to midday network talk to morning and afternoon drive-time radio, we work with hosts and producers on every network and station.

Print &
Online Placement

When an interview or a quote just isn’t enough to get your message across, we rely on creativity and longstanding relationships for placement.


We have mastered the art of successful book rollouts, landing dozens of titles on the New York Times bestseller list. Ahead of publication, we strategically place news and excerpts to drive buzz and manage wall-to-wall media.

New Media

Ignore the frontier of new media at your peril. Our longstanding relationships extend to YouTube and podcast personalities as well. We work with a host of new media influencers who can help reach both mass and niche audiences.

Op-ed Writing
& Placement

Javelin started as a team of writers. Our work has been the featured in the op-ed pages of every major newspaper in America. As only pros can, we can take your voice and message and adapt it for top-tier placement.


We have prepared and trained dozens of individuals to be camera ready to sell a product, fend off hostile questions, advocate for an issue, or become a media personality.

Event &
Launch Publicity

When you need to make a splash with an event or product launch, we can arrange a smart rollout and bring the cameras and media to you.

Crisis &
Litigation Communication

In a time of crisis, we specialize in managing high-stakes situations with strategic messaging, ensuring that your organization's voice is clear, consistent and credible. We help you control the narrative, mitigate and repair damage, and maintain trust with your audience.

Our clients

We've worked with the
best and brightest